2008 Awards Assembly

2008 Awards Assembly

Students were recognized for state level awards they had won in essay, poster and other contests. Many students were recognized for having perfect attendance! The librarian, Mrs. Foster, recognized the students who earned reading awards. 435 students were able to stand and show they had earned at least one reading button this year.

2008 Opera: The Barber of Seville

2008 Opera: The Barber of Seville

2008 May Day: Under the Sea

2008 May Day

2008 Speech Festival

2008 Speech Festival

Saturday, April 26th was the day the Speech Team had practiced for since early in February. All of their hard work paid off, as they gave terrific performances in all of their sessions.
Between session I and II, a bento snack was provided, and we enjoyed it at the tables outside the McKinley cafeteria.
After the second session, everyone went to the gymnasium for the awards assembly, and received the beautiful 20th anniversary medal. It was a great day!

2008 Blue Ribbon School

2008 Blue Ribbon School

2007 Haunted House: SHAKE-speare

2007 Haunted House

2007 Pumpkin Night

2007 Pumpkin Night

2007 Jaguar Jog

2007 Jaguar Jog

September 20, 2007 was the date of the first ever Jaguar Jog, a fundraiser put on by the Aina Haina PTA. It was a "Runaway" success, raising $60,000 to support our school programs and special events. And it was a lot of fun!

Each class prepared a cheer to start the run off, and after the run, the students enjoyed refreshing Jamba juice and bananas. The run organizers thanked all of the sponsors, and the top classes and student pledges were recognized. Then they announced the total raised ... and amazing $60,000!