Health Services

If a student becomes ill or injured, he/she will be sent to the Health Room. When a student needs to be sent home or requires doctor’s care, the Health Aide will contact the parents or authorized persons listed on the student’s emergency card. If no one can be reached, the student will remain in the Health Room until school is dismissed.


UKU (HEAD LICE) POLICY (Farrington-Kaiser-Kalani Complex Area Policy)
  • The school health aide will inspect the hair of students who are showing symptoms of ukus.
  • If a student is noted to have live ukus, parents will be notified by phone. The Health Aide or Administrator will advise that treatment be started that evening.
  • Parents have the option of picking up the student right away to start treatment.
  • If not available, the student will go back to class and remain in school until the end of the school day.
  • At the end of the school day, a note with information on treatment will be sent home with the student.
  • The student may return to school the following day.
  • Classroom and school-wide screenings will no longer be done as these efforts have not been shown to decrease the presence of ukus in schools.

Facts About Ukus
  • Ukus DO NOT jump or fly. They crawl.
  • Ukus can affect everyone equally
  • Having ukus is NOT a sign of poor hygiene
  • Ukus may be present for at least one (1) month before you may notice them
  • Treatment is the ONLY way to get rid of ukus; this includes treating your home.
  • Ukus are bothersome but they are NOT harmful and DO NOT spread disease
  • They spread primarily through DIRECT head-to-head contact

Helpful Tips
  • Check your child’s hair at least once a week and if ukus or nits are found, treat promptly. You can call your primary care provider for possible treatment solutions, some of which may be covered by insurance.
  • The best prevention measures are to educate yourself and your child on how ukus spread and to treat as soon as they are found.
  • Consider keeping your child’s hair slicked back or tied up to help prevent live ukus from spreading. Remember, checking your child’s hair once a week at home will help keep ukus out of your home and our school community.

Contacts and Resources
Public Health Nurses Office for East Honolulu: 733-9220
Vicki Bunao, RN Stacy Gibo, RN Kathleen Garo, RN Ivy Okasako, RN

Hawaii Department of Health (DOH) on Head Lice

Kids Health webpage on Head Lice